
Accreditation is an endorsement of the independence, integrity and competence of a certification body. Accreditation equips the certification body with a mark of trust and confidence to offer its services to the industry – locally, regionally and globally.

NIOSH Certification is a leading national certification body accredited by the Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia). As a leading national certification body, NIOSHCert provides creditable audit certification services. NIOSHCert is commit to complying with the requirements of ISO 17021 (Conformity Assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems), and ISO 17065 (Conformity Assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services).

NIOSHCert is also a leading national certification body approved by Standards Malaysia to carry out audits for the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme for oil palm plantations, independent and organised smallholdings and palm oil processing facilities.

Being a company wholly-owned by NIOSH Malaysia and under the purview of the Ministry of Human Resources, NIOSHCert has access to a wealth of expertise and resources, from which it taps on in delivering high-quality assessment and certification services to the industry. This distinct advantage gives NIOSHCert the edge in access to the latest information and statistics, and updates on the national and international regulatory and policy developments. NIOSHCert’s clients will benefit from the shared facilities, as well as extensive know-how and experiences of subject matter experts from among the industry practitioners.