About Our Company

NIOSH Certification Sdn. Bhd.

NIOSH Certification Sdn Bhd (NIOSHCert) is a leading national certification body established in 2004 to complement NIOSH Malaysia’s role in providing training and consultation services, disseminate information and conduct research on occupational safety and health (OSH).

Our Branches

NIOSHCert was established as a wholly owned subsidiary of NIOSH Malaysia, following a resolution in 2003 by the Board of NIOSH Malaysia. The mandate given to NIOSHCert was to enhance the OSH culture in Malaysia through conducting certification activities for companies which have successfully implemented the internationally recognised OSH Management Systems (OSHMS).

The role of NIOSHCert evolved to include being accredited as a certification body for OSHMS, and later expanded to other management systems (MS) certifications. NIOSHCert currently offers a comprehensive range of MS certification services – covering Occupational Health and Safety MS, Quality MS, Environmental MS and Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil Standards. NIOSHCert also offers more specific certifications for Anti-bribery, Adventure Tourism, Food Safety, Information Security and Road Traffic Safety MS certifications.

NIOSHCert currently serves the industry throughout Malaysia, with offices in Bangi, Selangor (Headquarters), Penang, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching.
NIOSHCert is a leading national certification body accredited by the Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia). It actively supports the role and mandate of Standards Malaysia as well as the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia in national, regional and international platforms and forums.